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Текст песни Green Day - American Eulogy
GalEvgeneДата: Понедельник, 16.08.2010, 16:37 | Сообщение # 1
Группа: Администраторы
Сообщений: 1193
Статус: Offline
Вы смотрите Текст песни "Green Day - American Eulogy", надеемся, что вы нашли что искали. Приятного просмотра и скачивания слов песни "Green Day - American Eulogy".

[Part I. Mass Hysteria]

Sing us the song of the century
That sings like American eulogy,
The dawn of my love and conspiracy,
Of forgotten hope and the class of 13.
Tell me a story into that goodnight
Sing us a song for me.

Mass hysteria!
Mass hysteria!
Mass hysteria!
Mass hysteria!

Red alert is the color of panic,
Elevated to the point of static.
Beating into the hearts of the fanatics
And the neighborhood's a loaded gun.
Idle thought leads to full-throttle screaming
And the welfare is asphyxiating.
Mass confusion is all the new rage,
And it's creating a feeding ground
For the bottom feeders of hysteria.

Mass hysteria!
Mass hysteria!
Mass hysteria!
Mass hysteria!

True sounds of maniacal laughter
And the deaf-mute is misleading the choir.
The punchline is a natural disaster
And it's sung by the unemployed.
Fight fire with a riot.
The class war is hanging on a wire
Because the martyr is a compulsive liar when he said:
"It's just a bunch of niggers throwing gas into the hysteria"

Mass hysteria!
Mass hysteria!
Mass hysteria!
Mass hysteria!

There's a disturbance on the oceanside
They tapped into the reserve.
The static response is so unclear now
Mayday, this is not a test!
As the neighborhood burns, America is falling!
Vigilantes warning you сalling Christian and Gloria

[Part II. Modern World]

I don't want to live in the modern world!
I don't want to live in the modern world!
I don't want to live in the modern world!
I don't want to live in the modern world!

I'm the class of 13
In the era of dissent,
A hostage of the soul.
On a strike to pay the rent.
The last of the rebels.
Without a common ground.
I'm gonna light a fire
Into the underground.

I don't want to live in the modern world!
I don't want to live in the modern world!
I don't want to live in the modern world!
I don't want to live in the modern world!

I am a nation
Without bureaucratic ties
Deny the allegation as it's written

I want to take a ride to the great divide
Beyond the "up to date".
And the neo-gentrified
The high definition for the low resident.
Where the value of your mind
Is not held in contempt.
I can hear the sound of
A beating heart
That bleeds beyond a system,
That's falling apart,
With money to burn
On minimum wage.
Cause I don't give a shit
About the modern age.

I don't want to live in the modern world!
I don't want to live in the modern world!
I don't want to live in the modern world!
I don't want to live in the modern world!
I don't want to live in the modern world!
Mass hysteria!
I don't want to live in the modern world!
Mass hysteria!
I don't want to live in the modern world!
Mass hysteria!
I don't want to live in the modern world!
Mass hysteria!

GalEvgeneДата: Понедельник, 16.08.2010, 16:38 | Сообщение # 2
Группа: Администраторы
Сообщений: 1193
Статус: Offline
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